Cupping for cellulite, Our Review (Before and After)
Quite an important number of women are embarrassed by the appearance of cellulite on their body. To be precise, more than 90% of women report having areas affected by it. Although not dangerous to health, cellulite is not very aesthetically pleasing and this is why many women want to get rid of it so badly. Until recently, the technique most recommended by beauticians and other beauty professionals to reduce cellulite was the ” rolled palpation ” manual massage, which breaks up the subcutaneous fat clusters.
However, this hand massage has its shortcomings, it is difficult to perform on one’s own body, it can become exhausting for the hands and it does not “drain” stagnant fluids or direct fat cells to the lymphatic system for elimination.
Does cupping work for cellulite?
This is why the use of cupping for cellulite with a vacuum therapy machine to create suction on the flesh has become so popular for this procedure. Indeed, their mechanical effects do stimulate the lymphatic and blood system in order to induce lipolysis. With cupping for cellulite, you can kiss goodbye to the orange peel skin that bothers you so much.
Cellulite suction machine (the Bella Vacuum cellulite vacuum machine)
If you are interested in anti-cellulite cupping therapy treatments with suction cups, you have probably already heard of the Cellublue cellulite cup, a small blue suction cup that does the work manually. Unfortunately, the suction generated by this type of silicone cups is very weak and may not be enough to generate significant results. This is why there is a much more effective alternative: the vacuum cupping machine for cellulite.
In fact, the vacuum cups are directly connected to a cellulite suction machine that draws in suction. The power that this vacuum suction machine can reach is of a level that has nothing to do with manual suction cups, thus allowing lymphatic drainage to be amplified to levels never before achieved. These cellulite suction machines are also offered with a multitude of suction cups of all possible sizes allowing the cupping therapy treatment to be done on any type of morphology. In addition, the power of this type of device is such that it can break up subcutaneous fatty deposits (treating cellulite) to liquefy them and facilitate their elimination. There are many benefits of this negative pressure machine : improve cellulite reduction, it helps skin firmness, lymphatic issues, improve poor blood circulation (better blood flow), reduce hormonal imbalances, reduce fat accumulation, significant reduction of fluid retention
How the cupping therapy works
The cupping therapy treatment is carried out by moving the suction cups along the thighs. These movements must be done according to specific gestures which are described here :
1. Start above the knee and work your way up the thighs.
2. Start above the knee and work your way to the top of your thighs in small circles.
3. Slide from the outside of the thigh to the middle of the thigh.
4. Start in the hollow of the back of the knee and slide to below the buttocks.
5. Start in the hollow of the back of the knee and slide to below the buttocks.
6. Slide from the outside of the thigh to the middle of the thigh.
Before and after pictures of the cupping massage treatment
It is not difficult to find many testimonials and “before and after pictures” following a vacuum therapy for cellulite cupping for cellulite treatment with suction cups.
Our review of “cupping for cellulite” treatments
The massage is a little surprising at first, but it is not painful. However, care must be taken not to use too much suction power so that it remains safe. After a cupping massage treatment, you will feel a certain lightness in your legs. This is caused by the fact that the treatment allows, among other things, a better blood circulation. For someone who often has a feeling of heaviness in the legs, this can be very pleasant. Don’t forget to put body oil before doing the treatment.
Finally, there is no doubt that the cupping therapy treatment allows a considerable reduction of cellulite on the thighs.
Buy your own vacuum therapy lifting machine to do the cellulite cupping treatment yourself at home or go to a professional?
Meet Alexandre Poirier, a true visionary in the beauty industry. With many years of experience as a trainer in vacuum therapy treatment, Alexandre has built his reputation as an essential expert for beauty business owners. His primary goal is to assist them in integrating innovative beauty devices within their establishments.